Java latest versions and features
2 min readMay 22, 2023
The latest stable version of Java was Java 17. However, please note that there may have been newer versions released after that date. Here are some features introduced in Java 17 and previous versions:
Java 17 (released in September 2021):
- Sealed Classes: Allows developers to control which classes or interfaces can be subclasses or implementers.
- Pattern Matching for Switch: Enhances the switch statement by enabling pattern matching for more concise and expressive code.
- Foreign Function & Memory API (Incubator): Provides a standardized way to call native code and interact with low-level memory in a safe manner.
- Strong encapsulation of JDK internals: Further improves the encapsulation of JDK internals, enhancing security and maintainability.
Java 16 (released in March 2021):
- Records: Introduces a compact and concise syntax for declaring classes that are primarily used for holding data.
- Sealed Classes (Preview): Adds a preview feature for sealed classes, which allows controlling inheritance and implementers.
- Pattern Matching for instanceof: Simplifies type checking and casting by combining instanceof and conditional expressions.
Java 15 (released in September 2020):
- Text Blocks: Introduces a new language feature that simplifies the creation and formatting of multi-line strings.
- Hidden Classes: Provides a mechanism for creating classes that are not discoverable via reflection.
- Records (Preview): Introduces a preview feature for records, which are classes that are primarily used for data storage.